Want to become a member of our Bowls Club? Below you will find useful information on how to set yourself up as a player at our club, how much a membership costs and what we offer at the club.
In the first instance you can contact me, Jim Djouma, details below. I will arrange a practice session free of charge with myself or another member of the club. We also have four Open days during the bowls season where potential new members may come along and see if they like it. A practice session is called a, 'roll up'. The first open day this year will be held on 30th April between 10am and 3pm.
All that is required is a set of bowls. We have spare sets of bowls in the clubhouse. They are of different weights and sizes and will be suitable in size for both male and female bowlers. Should you wish to play/practice more the sets of bowls can be loaned out.
Initially for practice sessions and informal roll ups the code of dress is very relaxed. Because the playing surface is key to playing the game, all bowlers must wear flat soled shoes or other footwear that does not impact or break the top of the grass surface.
For women trousers or skirts are fine and a top that is suitably comfortable to move freely whilst bowling will fit the initial dress code.
For men trousers/cords/jeans and t shirt type top fits the code.
There should be minimal cost for new members.
However, should you join the club a club t shirt will need to be purchased to play in friendlies and competition matches against other clubs. A more formal dress code will be required but all this is at minimal cost.
For newcomers there is a discount in the region of 50%, with an outlay of £65
You will become a member of Rosedale Bowls Club. This club is affiliated with Rosedale Rugby and Cricket Club. All of which is situated down a quiet country lane on the edge of Cheshunt. You will have access to and the use of a newly built members only clubhouse. We have many social gatherings at the bar (covid permitting).
You will have the use of the bowls green and clubhouse throughout the season which this year starts on 17th April and closes on 27th September.
You will be able to play bowls to the level that suits you. If you are competitive there is every opportunity to play in the East Herts Bowls League, County competitions and National competitions. If that is not your thing there are much more low key games, nevertheless still with a competitive element. But if you just want to practice and play in small social groups that is not a problem. The club is there to meet your requirements.
You will have access to free coaching from our trained coaches both male and female. You will be joining a group of open and friendly members who are looking forward to a new year of bowling and an influx of new members. We have functions throughout the year including our own internal bowls competitions with a finals weekend at the end of the year. Trophies are presented at our annual Christmas party night.
During the closed season there is short mat bowls and crib matches in our clubhouse.
Jim is head of recruitment at the club.
You can contact Jim in the following ways:
Want more practice at bowls? Why don't you contact one of our coaches and we can ensure that you are ready for when the new season begins later in the year!
We are Covid compliant. We follow both the government and Bowls England policies. We restrict the use of facilities and equipment as directed and provide hand cleaning equipment and wipes.